4th KK BB Company Slideshow


About Us

The Boys' Brigade

Motto: 'Sure & Stedfast'


Object: The advancement of Christ's Kingdom among Members and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect and all that tends towards a true Christian Manliness.

Twin Pillars: Christian Faith & Discipline

The Boys' Brigade History

The Boys' Brigade was founded on 4th October 1883 by Sir William Alexander Smith when he formed The 1st Glasgow Company at Free Church Mission Hall, North Woodside Road, Glasgow.

It was the 1st Uniformed Youth Organization in the world and has since grown to be a worldwide organization.

In the early days of the Boys' Brigade, simple form of drill, gymnastics and games were introduced and these proved very popular. The uniform for the first year was a rosette and later the forage cap, haversack and belt was introduced. In 1886, the 1st BB camp was held in Tighnabruaich. It was, in fact, the start of camping for young people (camping were normally used for military back then).

By the late 1880's, The Boys' Brigade grew rapidly in the United Kingdom and by the early 1890's, it grew to be a worldwide organization. 

Following the impact of The Boys' Brigade, other uniformed organizations were started:

1) Church Lads' Brigade (1890)
2) Girls' Brigade (1893)
3) Boys' Life Brigade (1899)
4) The Jewish Lads' Brigade (1900)
5) Catholic Boys' Brigade (1900)
6) Girls' Guildry (1900)
7) Girls' Life Brigade (1902)
8) The Boys' Scouts (1908)
9) Girl Guides (1910)

all of those organizations can trace the idea of uniformed youth back to The Boys' Brigade and Sir William Alexander Smith.

In 1917, Boys Reserves was started for Boys between the ages of 9 and 12 years but later changed to Life Boys in 1926. And in 1966, The Life Boys became part of the Boys' Brigade organization known as The Junior Section.

The BB Founder - Sir William Alexander Smith

Sir William Alexander Smith was the guiding force behind The Boys' Brigade during its early days.

He was born on 27th October 1854, at Pennyland, near Thurso, on the north-east coast Scotland. His father and grandfather before him had been officers in the Army. Sir William Smith began working as a clerk in his uncle's business in Glasgow when he was 15, and while still in his teens he enrolled in the 1st Lanarkshire Rifle Volunteers and a year later he became a member of the Free College Church.

When he was a young Sunday school teacher in his church, Sir William smith used to worry that the Boys in his class were rowdy and he had difficulty keeping them quiet in order to teach them. But on Saturdays, as an Officer in the Volunteers he could get a hundred men obey his every word of command yet he could do nothing with a small group of lively Boys. He had this in his mind: "Why couldn't the Boys in his Sunday school be like the Volunteers?"

It was then that the idea of 'Drill and discipline' came to him. If the Boys met together to do drill during the week, then perhaps they would be better behaved on Sundays. Thus, The Boys' Brigade was started. Very quickly it was clear that the Boys were benefiting from The Boys' Brigade and soon other Companies were formed.

For 31 years since 1888, Sir William Smith was Secretary of the Brigade, preferring the humbler appointment of Brigade Secretary to that of Brigade President. He was also Captain of the 1st Glasgow Company, which was the 1st BB company to be founded. He received the honour of knighthood in July 1909 by King Edward VII.

He passed away suddenly in London on 10th May 1914. Over 7000 Boys of the Glasgow Battalion and thousands of civilians paid tribute to Sir William Smith at his funeral in Glasgow.

"In every healthy Boys there is an inborn desire to be brave, true man, and if he fail to attain to this, it is too often from a perverted notion of what true bravery and true manliness really are. What we had to do was to take hold of this desire, and turn it into a right channel, through which it might frame to God's glory and their own good."

"What the Brigade seeks to do is to train up good, true Boys, well prepared, physically and morally, for the battle of life, in whatever sphere they may choose."

"It will thus be seen that the Brigade aims at taking all that enters into healthy Boy-Life, and consecrating it to the service of God."

- Sir William Alexander Smith

4th KK Company's History

Below are photos of our Company throughout its 10th years in the Boys Brigade brotherhood.

(taken from the Company's magazine)



History of 4th KK Company - The first Roman Catholic Company in the World 

October 1981, Mr. David Liew, Sabah District President, in a meeting over coffee break with his friend, Daniel Kong, Tax Secretary, and a suggestion of a Boys’ Brigade Company in the Roman Catholic Church pops up; Daniel Kong thought about and advised that perhaps it should be  referred to the funeral, the late Mgs, Tobian Chi of the Sacred Heart Cathedral.

November, 1981, Due to matters concerning the Boys’ Brigade, David Liew met up with Anthony Fong (ex-captain 3rd KK) David bluntly challenged Anthony to form a new company in the Catholic Church. The challenge was taken. In a meeting with the late Mgs. Tobian Chi, Boys Brigade materials were presented, which was well received and asked Anthony Fong to be the Captain; knowing that Anthony was Captain of 1st and 3rd KK in his time. The lat Mgsr. Tobian Chi then told Anthony that he would be the Chaplain, and to get the Parish Council to approve and support this new ministry and would help to get Officers and Instructors for the Company. As Christmas and Advent is around the corner, it is suggested o have it started in 1982 2nd quarter. 

May 15th 1982, Saturday, the Captain, 3 officers and one instructor was appointed with the late Mgsr. Tobian Chi as its Chaplain who also welcomed 36 Boys with an opening prayer and asked its Officers, Boys to be committed to the BB work. Thus the 4th Kota Kinabalu Commpany became the first Roman Catholic Company in South East Asia and the world then and still claimed that honor today! The Officers and boys through thorough training of 13 weeks, where method of achieving the object of the BB is by providing a meaningful and enjoyable programs of educational, physical, social and spiritual interest, based on the “twin pillars” of Christian Education and Discipline, guided by Officers I the first six meetings, 4th Kota Kinabalu Company dwelt in oplended isolation within the Roman Catholic Church of Sacred Heart Cathedral. 
October 16th 1982 the 4th KK held its first Enrolment Service where the Officers and Boys pledged their loyalty to the Company and Church. The late Mgs. Tobian Chi welcomes the company into the Catholic Church and asked the parishioners to render, welcome the company and to support its work in the BB ministry.

The Company experience real growth when in 1986, the Junior Section was formed with Ms. Anna Liew, Lieutenant, serving in the Junior Section only: at its first intake there were about 30 Boys and at the same time Officers, Instructors were added. The Junior Section did the company proud, by winning 1st prize in the National Bible Quiz with the Company Section coming into 2nd prize at the Bible Quiz. The other achievement which the Company has was having the Company Colour presented and its proud moment for everyone Boys and Officers of the Company in 1988 and in the same year, the whole Company went on an expedition trip to Sandakan, first with the intention of starting a second Roman Catholic Company at St. Mary Cathedral, a total of 88 Officers and Boys was present for the Sandakan trip and it was a good experience for the Boys and Officer. Two Sergeants of the Company gained the 2nd highest award-the President Award for Sgt. Francisco C. Mienis and in 1992 two more NCOs were awarded the President Badge-Sgt. Andrew Voo and Cpl. Ensico Tang. 

Towards the end of 1992, the Company celebrated its tenth anniversary and dring its ten years the Company saw many ups and downs, but always with God’s grace, it had come through its though challenges. After having served the Company for ten years, the Captain, Anthony Fong decided to retire in 1993: Company memberships stand at 70 Boys, 50 in the Junior Section with about 10 Officers and 5 instructors he was appointed Honorary Captain by the Church for his services in the BB. However, after a lapse of 17 years, he was recalled to Company he organized as the Company has gone into a decline after 1997. So in November 2010, sitting down with the present acting Captain Anna Liew, Mrs. Ting Kee Moi, Lieutenant, it is decided to do a recruitment for both Company and Junior Section when the 19th session reopen on the 8th January 2011. The respond to the recruitment was intake of 30 Company Section and 10 Junior Section Boys and Girls. A comprehensive program was introduced for the year 2011 on its 29th session. At the same time the KK High School required about 60 Members for their club: also the venue for their weekly meeting was moved to CMI at Bukit Padang. After the Company complete its 7 months program the Company held its 29th Enrollment Service with 25 Company and 10 Junior Section Boys and Girls and KK High School with 50 Members. Now with the Company revamp, its Officers and Members will continue to meet the challenge of 2012 and beyond. 

As we entered into our thirty we need to look at our pat and recent upon for the future, these are openings for the extension would in other Parish of the Catholic Church and its is hoped that with God’s blessing many more companies would be established.

- Anthony Fong
Honorary Captain of 4th Kota Kinabalu Company 
April 2013

Our Company was founded by Mr. Anthony Fong, who had been the Captain of 3rd KK Company. Our 1st ever parade was held in Sacred Heart Cathedral on 15th May 1982. On the 1st parade, 36 Boys showed up and they were introduced to meaningful and enjoyable programs of educational, physical, social and spiritual interest. Our Company still holds the honour of being the 1st ever Roman Catholic Company in the World!

"Saving Souls for Jesus Christ."

 The 4th KK Company in 2013

the Founder and 1st Captain of the 4th KK Boys' Brigade Company

Mr. Anthony Fong

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